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Entrepreneurial/Closely Held Businesses  
Entrepreneurial/Closely Held Businesses
Entrepreneurial and closely-held businesses are the backbone of our nation's economy and they face a continuous stream of complex challenges and issues. Cash flow, budgeting, access to resources, growth and expansion are just a few issues that are often on the mind of business owners. A constant stream of challenging questions requires a constant stream of sound business answers, and this is where Professional Accounting' many years of experience can help.

An added dimension of challenges exist with closely-held companies - management of personal relationships and oftentimes, family relationships. Decision-making becomes even more complex when, in addition to business issues, emotional issues must be addressed and managed. Handling the sensitivity and importance of the issues affecting closely-held businesses requires special skills - skills that Professional Accounting is proud to have spent decades perfecting.

In addition to traditional accounting, audit, and tax planning, we also assist with:
Business planning and forecasting
Business valuations
Entity selection and planning
Partnership agreements
Due diligence
Software consulting and installation
Evaluation of financing alternatives
Succession planning
Executive coaching and conflict resolution
Mergers and acquisitions
Personal and business insurance evaluation
Negotiating buy/sell agreements
Family office services
Managing growth and change
Wealth management
Estate and retirement planning
Litigation support
Employee benefit plans
Human resource policy and procedure development

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