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Next Chat Session. The First session of the Professional Accounting Chat will be Announced very soon.

NOTE: The information provided during the chat session is of a general nature and may not apply to any specific or particular matter . It is not to be construed as Tax & Accounting advice nor does it establish an Accountant-client relationship.

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Please Note: This Chat is moderated. The questions posted by you (the participant) are submitted to Accountant one at a time by the Moderator. He will answer them in the order he receives them from the Moderator.

Please make sure that your question is as brief as possible. Accountant will respond to questions in order to clarify the Accounting & Tax law. You can get a sense of appropriate questions by looking at the ones released by the Moderator.

Professional Accounting Chat has is one of the most popular chats Accounting & Tax matter, with many users logged in every session! We would like to try and answer each person's question, therefore we ask that you please not post multiple questions.

Due to high volume of question it is strongly recommended to please keep the patience in getting yours answer as it appear on the answer section.

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