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I filed my 2005 tax return & I ended up in paying $14000 federal taxes. I did ask my accountant many times is there any way I could do any saving in taxes but he had no interest in my tax return at all. One of my friends talked to me about Professional Accounting & Tax Services, Inc. When I approached Professional Accounting & Tax Services , Inc I was shocked when the tax specialists told me that I have overpaid my taxes and I could have saved $ 10, 000 in my 2005 Tax Return . My Accountant did not claim many dedications and could not avail some credits which I was entitled when I filed my 2005 tax return through Professional Accounting & Tax Services Inc filed my amended Tax Return for 2005 & I was able to get my money back which I lost when I overpaid taxes in my 2005 Tax Return.
Mrs. Yasmeen Chaudhary MD
Being Business owner it?s very hard to remember everything. Since my tax returns are being handled by Professional Accounting staff I always have peace of mind that I will not miss any tax deadline since the smart accountants in Professional Accounting & Tax Services have always filed my tax returns on time and I don?t waste my hard-earned money in paying interest & penalty to IRS.
Suffin Gerald President Sherie Cotton U S A Inc
Do not give your hard earned money to IRS rather save it for better future of your family. It can be only possible when a professional is filling your tax return. I have always found staff of professional accounting very helpful in filling my tax return.
Aamir Butt Computer Programmer

Getting your green card is a crucial step and we perfectly understand how important it is for you to go through this process smoothly, the fact is that most applications for the green cards are rejected due to tax discrepancies.

When Professional Accounting & Tax Services , Inc is taking care of your tax returns It means:

  • You will get maximum refund / pay minimum taxes!

  • When They file your tax returns you will not receive any tax queries from Bureau of Citizenship & Immigration Services (BCIS)

Professional Accounting & Tax Service has dealt BCIS related tax queries for many years and they know how to avoid them in your unique situation!

You will always be having the peace of mind that you are in safe hands and you are at least not jeopardizing your immigration cases because of your tax queries.

Professional Accounting & Tax Services, Inc has helped me in an outstanding way to deal with (BCIS) for tax related immigration quires.

Eral S David New Immigrant

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