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Professional Accounting and Tax Services  
Accountants & Tax Spcialist
As a not-for-profit organization, your ability to grow and continue to provide services depends on finding the right mix of financial funding and human resources. Although your organization may have deep-rooted philanthropic goals, you must be able to view your organization as a business - and it must operate it like a business in order to survive. You need professionals who are able to provide accurate information and sound guidance on the best, most efficient ways to structure and cultivate your organization.

Our experience in the not-for-profit industry has given us an understanding of the special issues faced by these organizations - an understanding which lets us assist in numerous areas.

Financial Reporting
We recognize that timely financial reporting can be a vital factor in seeking funding for your organization. Funding agencies receive numerous grant applications each year and your financial statements can help tell your story. We are experienced in A-133 Audits and the other Federal and State reporting requirements when public funding is involved.

Evaluating Internal Controls and Operations
While elaborate internal controls are sometimes impractical due to the size of an organization, certain critical procedures should always be followed. We recommend controls that help safeguard assets and improve administrative effectiveness. We can evaluate operations to streamline costs and improve overall efficiency.

Assisting Your Board
Your Board of Trustees and staff must work together to achieve the goals of the organization. We are often called upon to present financial information, interpret the data, and help evaluate performance.

We also assist in areas such as:
Annual local, state, and federal information filing requirements
Preparation of Federal Form 990 and state information returns, when applicable
Payroll tax returns
Application for and preservation of tax-exempt status
Tax planning for non-exempt income
Grant tracking
Fundraising consultation
Budgeting and cash flow management
Computer hardware and software selection and training
Accounting system design
Management training
Employee benefits planning

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Fax: (718) 228-4848

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