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Professional Accounting and Tax Services  
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Sports and Entertainment  
Sports and Entertainment
Sports and entertainment are two of the most exciting and dynamic, yet complicated industries and our experience allows us to provide our clients with the type of service they demand.

From individual artist management to large production companies, our knowledge, resources, and prime office locations throughout the U.S. make us well equipped to serve as your business advisor. Our clients have included independent record labels, video production companies, soundtrack studios for television and movies, commercial production companies, and businesses involved with Internet-based specials and productions.

Our affiliate Professional Accounting Family Office Group provides business management services to individual artists and entertainers, which meets their growing and complex personal needs. In addition, allows clients to obtain their important financial information from anywhere in the world via a secure Internet connection - an invaluable tool for busy individuals.

Services we provide include:
Contract negotiation/evaluation
Business management
Financial accounting and reporting
Royalty accounting and audits
Computation of licensing fees
Tax planning and compliance
Estate planning
Personal financial planning
Analysis of insurance needs
Internet-based financial reporting
Succession planning
Cash management

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Phone: (718) 446-4847
Fax: (718) 228-4848

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