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Professional Accounting and Tax Services  
Accountants & Tax Spcialist
Broker Dealers  
Broker Dealers
Each member of Professional Accounting Broker-Dealer Team has an in-depth knowledge of the accounting, regulatory, and systems concerns related to this highly specialized industry. We've served the industry for more than 10 years and currently deliver services to firms specializing in retail sales featuring large numbers of registered reps as well as retail brokers, market makers/specialist firms, investment bankers and corporate financiers, investment advisors, municipal bond specialists, and government securities dealers. Our expertise enables us to recognize business needs and problems, and proactively implement solutions. Whether a start up; a boutique, single-office entity; a larger firm with multiple lines of business and branches; or a subsidiary of a commercial or investment bank; our clients rely on us for focused, responsive services tailored to their specific needs.

Single-office to multinational clients rely on us to

Audit financial statements
Prepare or review business tax returns, as well as, where permitted under regulations, the principals' individual tax returns
Evaluate and improve controls, compliance with regulatory organizations, and back-office operations
Design and implement accounting and portfolio systems, where permitted
Advise on the economic and tax issues regarding investor allocations and distributions; and
Assist in recruiting personnel and other human resource functions.

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Phone: (718) 446-4847
Fax: (718) 228-4848

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