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Tax InformationPrior Year Information (2004)  
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2004 General Tax Information
2004 Filing Requirements 2004 Miscellaenous
2004 Itemized Deductions 2004 Exemptions
2004 Standard Deductions 2004 Withholding Table
2004 Education Provisions 2004 Adoption Credit
2004 Mileage Rates 2004 Estate and Gift Taxes

2004 Filing Requirements
Single under 65 $7,950
65 or older $9,150
Head of household under 65 $10,250
65 or older $11,450
Married, filing jointly*** under 65 (both spouses) $15,900
65 or older (one spouse) $16,850
65 or older (both spouses) $17,800
Married, filing separately any age $3,100
Qualifying widow(er) with dependent child under 65 $12,800
65 or older $13,750
*If you were born on January 1, 1940, you are considered to be age 65 at the end of 2004.

**Gross Income means all income you received in the form of money, good, property, and services that is not exempt from tax, including any income from sources outside the United States (even if you may exclude all or part of it). Do not include Social Security benefits unless you are married filing a seperate return and you lived with your spouse at any time in 2004.

***If you did not live with your spouse at the end of 2004 (or on the date your spouse died) and your gross income was at least $3,100, you must file a return regardless of age.
2004 Itemized Deductions
All filing status' but Married Filing Separate (Phaseout) $142,700
Married Filing Separate (Phaseout) $71,350
2004 Standard Deductions
2004 Education Provisions
Hope Scholarship Credit $1000
Interest on Education Loans $2,500
Student Loan Interest Deduction (Phaseout)

Married Filing Joint $100,000
Single/Head of Household $50,000

Education Expense Deduction

Single with AGI 0 to $65,000: $4000
Married Filing Joint with AGI 0 to $80,000: $4000
Single with AGI $66,000 to $130,000: $2000
Married Filing Joint with AGI $66,000 to $160,000: $2000

U.S. Savings Bond Interest Exclusion (Phaseout)

Married Filing Joint $89,750 to $119,750
All other filing status $59,850 to $74,850

2004 Mileage Rates
Business Mileage 37.5 cents per mile
Charitable Mileage 14 cents per mile
Medical Mileage 14 cents per mile
2004 Miscellaneous
Annual Exclusion for Gifts $11,000
Annual Exclusion for Gifts to Spouse not a Citizen $114,000
Unearned Income of Minor Child (Kiddie Tax) $800 ($8,000 for parental election)
Leap Year 366 days
2004 Exemptions
Personal Exemptions  
Exemption $3100/person
Personal Exemption Phaseout  
Single (Phaseout) $142,700
Married Filing Joint and qualifying widow(er)s with dependent children (Phaseout) $214,050
Head of Household (Phaseout) $178,350
Married, filing separate return (Phaseout) $107,025
2004 Withholding Table

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2004 Adoption Credit
Maximum credit for child with special needs $10,390
Other adoptions, qualified expenses up to $10,390
Phaseout range, modified AGI $155,860 to $195,860
2004 Estate and Gift Taxes
Unified Credit Amount $1,500,000
Credit Allowed for State Death Taxes 25%
Estate/Gift Tax Rate (before phaseout) 48%

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